Thursday 14 May 2015

To Erase Or Not To Erase That Is The Question?

I was very sceptical about the product at first, several women I know started selling The Make-up Eraser at women’s coffee and networking groups and it started selling like hot cakes. I knew there had to be something there if they are selling so good and they have been sooo many good reviews from blogger’s & Youtuber’s, however my most trusted source Sarah @Sarahartistry first mentioned it to me when she visited Doll-House Dubai and fell in love with it and I had to admit I was getting very tempted by this product after Sarah advised how could it was and she is always very honest with her opinions with her products so I knew it was a genuine review.

Now I suffer from very sensitive skin and sometimes break out in eczema on my face and eye area if apply too many products. As someone with sensitive skin I have to be very careful what kind of products I use. Make-up tends to irritate my eyes & skin quiet often and even if I find a great makeup brand that doesn’t irritate me, removing it has always been such a nightmare for me, from watery eyes and dry damaged skin after.

I have been using rose water to remove my make-up but it not strong enough to remove it all. Then I saw a post from Mumillion and decided to give it a go, she’s always really honest with her reviews so I thought it was a product I could trust.

Soooo I decided to give it a try and take a leap of faith anddddddd viola it really worked! I can now just remove make-up using just water. The Make-up Eraser its really that simple, no more complaining about make-up remover getting my eyes and burning them and sensitive patches! No more excuses going to bed with make up on! Because it is really that quick & simple. Even my Dior Black out Mascara came off with The Make-up Eraser!

So Is The Make-Up eraser for you, find out more about the product below

♥ What is The Make-Up Eraser

The Make-Up Eraser is a specially produced cloth that removes 100% of make-up from the face using just warm water and no extra make-up removers or wipes. It is sold through various different distributors, small retail stores such as salons and spas, however I purchased mine through here - Online the Makeup Eraser costs GBP16.99 (plus shipping) Now I would only purchase this from their website as there are quite a few fake ones floating around the market especially on ebay! So please beware

It is a pink cloth that is very soft, The Eraser has 2 sides, the first side has slightly longer threads, for gentle ex-foliation, whilst the other has shorter threads for the 100% removal of all make-up after. The Make Eraser boasts that it lasts 1000's of washes. I haven’t had this product for that long so I can’t actually confirm this!

♥ So How Does it Work & How to use The Make-Up Eraser

The MakeUp Eraser is a cloth which removes make up completely and quickly using no chemical or cleanser, saving the user money and time each and every day. This gentle cleansing process promotes healthy facial skin because it does not affect the skin's natural ph balance & the gentle ex-foliation also helps keep skin clean and healthy.
The Make Up Eraser is specially knitted polyester & silk fibres which according to them is many times finer than human hair, when made wet the eraser creates a hydro-mechanical process that breaks down the surface tension of the oils that bond make up to your skin. The Make-Up Eraser even removes waterproof mascara, HD pro lines and lipsticks – without the mess of conventional removals.

Here’s a quick step by step on how to use created by The Make-Up Eraser people! – it was too fabulous for me not to use!

♥ Is it really washable?

The polyester hand-crafted fine cloth of The Make-up Eraser doesn't have loops that trap make-up, so very little staining happens. Although I do take extra care of mine and rinse the cloth after using it daily. Also I pre-treat my cloth before washing it weekly and just to be extra sure not to have any stains or build up do not place on an overstuffed wash.

I haven’t been using The Make-up Eraser long enough to wash it the 1000 times that the company claims that you can, however I have seen lots of demo’s from QVC to youtube that have been washed a few 100 times and still work wonderfully well, so maybe, just maybe it is a possibility!

So over all I am really pleased with my purchase this is defo one of those products once you buy that you get totally hooked on! this product does exactly what is says on the box! Which now days is hard to find – Well Done The Make-Up Eraser you have made a fantastic product

Lots of Love & A a clean face 


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